You Can Fight For Veterans

Each year, Maricopa County StandDown gathers volunteers to help hundreds of veterans experiencing or near homelessness in the Valley.

Just like Project Connect, StandDown is a place where veterans can access multiple services in one location. The Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum fills with partners that allow veterans to receive housing assistance, employment help, clothing, showers, and many more resources.

Last year:

  • 1,658 veterans attended Maricopa County StandDown
  • Dental services at a total value of $332,232.80 were provided at no charge
  • The ADOT Motor Vehicle Division provided 832 transactions
  • 216 veterans connected with someone about their housing needs

This impact is more than just numbers, it is an individual, a veteran who received care they may otherwise not have access to, and these are just a few of the many great things that can happen!

We need volunteers to make this event possible! Volunteers will be paired with a veteran and will assist them in finding the connections for their individual needs. This year’s StandDown takes place at the Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum on Thursday, January 24th and Friday, January 25th
with shifts available from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Our greatest need for people is on Thursday!

If you’d like to fight for veterans, join us at Maricopa County StandDown.

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