Valley of the Sun United Way is celebrating Women’s History Month by looking to the future. We want to help inspire the next generation of female leaders and changemakers in Arizona. We asked members of Women United to share thoughts and advice for young women in our community.
Here is what we asked: What is one piece of advice you have for the next generation?
“Wrap your life around what you love and play to your strengths. You have a combination of gifts, talents, skills, abilities, and experiences that NO ONE can replicate. We need YOU to be YOU!”
Jenn Daniels
CEO | Horizon Strategies
“Be authentically you. You are your best when you come to the table as your authentic self. If you are spending time trying to please, act, look or speak like others, you are not investing enough time in driving change, thinking of the next big idea, executing with excellence or helping others.”
Lisa Robinson-Davis
Vice President of Quality, Process Management & Compliance | PetSmart
“So often women in business are working hard to fit in. The gifts that you bring that are unique to you are what will make you a great leader. Be yourself.
Don’t be afraid to speak up – share your ideas, challenge things that don’t align with your values. Believe in yourself.”
Jen Scrivner
Chief Operating Officer | Goodmans Interior Structures
“Female leaders’ diversity, knowledge and powerful self-awareness becomes a collaborative process that includes compassion to create fundamental changes and understanding.”
Dawn Zdarko
Healthcare Consultant | Sunrise Consulting, LLC
“First, FEEL confident with positive self-talk, reminding yourself of your successes both professionally and personally. Next, PORTRAY confidence with your body language. Then you will genuinely exude confidence. There is nothing more beautiful.”
Bobbie fox
VP, Legal and Compliance | CopperPoint Insurance
“Be good to yourself. Eliminating negative self-talk is the key to supporting yourself. You need to treat yourself as you would your best friend. This is as difficult as it is important. You will have enough roadblocks to overcome so don’t create another one on your own.”
Dr. Melanie Abts
Counseling Faculty Co-Chair | Rio Salado College
Here is what we asked: When you think about Arizona’s future female leaders, what are you most excited about?
“I’m most excited about the next generation’s unabashed fearlessness. They are willing to try new things, to ask the questions why and why not, to speak their minds, to not settle just because that’s the way that something’s always been done. They have courage and confidence and vision. So many of them want to make a difference in the community around them and at every level. They inspire me in countless ways!”
Melanie Burm
Director Of External Affairs, Workforce Development & Community Partnerships | Scottsdale Community College
“As I think about the next generation of women leaders, I am excited for a generation who can fearlessly pursue their passions to change the world thanks to the women before us who fought so hard for this right.”
Naoma Holmes
Senior Counsel | Aetna
“With their incredible creative thinking and intense passion to help people, the next generation of woman leaders will rock our world. I can’t wait to see what they do!”
Bobbie fox
VP, Legal and Compliance | CopperPoint Insurance
Women United is a network of local women who support Valley of the Sun United Way by giving, advocating, volunteering and inspiring others. Members give an annual gift of $1,000 designated to one of Valley of the Sun United Way’s community objectives. Learn more or sign up.
Valley of the Sun United Way is committed to creating an equitable, inclusive community for everyone. Our Mighty Change 5-year plan ensures all residents in Maricopa County have the support they need to lead healthy, happy lives. Read more about our goals.