Guest Blog written by A New Leaf
Arizona is experiencing a heartbreaking and dramatic increase in homelessness, with the largest increase being that of single men, who, oftentimes, find they have nowhere to go and very few resources to help them get back on their feet. Most of these men have recently experienced some sort of trauma, whether it be the loss of a job, the death of a spouse, or even a serious medical crisis. This hard truth was worsened by the pandemic. A New Leaf believes these men deserve the help they need to overcome these temporary but devastating challenges.
A New Leaf’s East Valley Men Center (EVMC) is a safe haven for men experiencing homelessness. Residents arrive at the facility and are provided with a bed and storage area for their personal possessions that they can keep for the entire duration of their stay. The East Valley Men’s Center is unique in this aspect, offering a consistent living space while ensuring the stability and comfort that comes from having a personal space to call their own.
“Over the unprecedented events of 2020, we have all faced several challenges, yet, our communities rallied together and forged ahead to keep essential services going strong, and United Way was there to provide support throughout the pandemic. With the impact on the economy, which resulted in several of our hard-working residents losing their jobs, we were able to alleviate personal stress on the men by being flexible with our length of stay to allow men to regroup and refocus to meet the new challenges head-on.” – Dave Hughes | Manager, East Valley Men’s Center
Once the men have settled, dedicated staff gets to work helping residents plan a permanent housing plan in their guide to stability. On-site workforce services also help residents build a resume, references and secure job interviews. A New Leaf strongly believes in making the East Valley Men’s Center a working man society, offering a hand up to men who are willing to put in the work to improve their lives. Last year, this program helped nearly 500 men get back on their feet.
Providing a Hand Up
East Valley Men’s Center is a “working man’s facility” that assists men with securing employment and saving money for their transition to safe, stable housing. The Center provides life skills training, work assistance, socialization skills, Rapid Re-Housing efforts, food, basic needs and shelter.
Services provided include:
- Case management
- Employee assistance
- Counseling and behavior health referrals
- Substance abuse support groups
- Transportation assistance
- Financial literacy
- Preventative health and dental care
- Veteran resources
- Long-term housing solutions
- Diversion
A New Leaf Innovation.mp4 from Valley of the Sun United Way on Vimeo.
“Valley of the Sun United Way is proud to partner with A New Leaf to help keep people safe during this pandemic. By helping with specialized equipment to reconfigure their space and by helping with personal protective equipment with United For The Valley COVID-19 funds, A New Leaf was able to better evaluate residents and adjust the level of care they needed to stay safe. By partnering with A New Leaf, Circle the City, and Community Bridges, United Way was able to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 amongst the unhoused and move those individuals to supportive housing.” – Jayson Matthews, Vice President of Community Development | Valley of the Sun United Way
A New Leaf’s EVMC is funded by State, Federal, local East Valley City Governments, and a variety of charitable organizations, including United Way. Thanks to our generous United For The Valley COVID -19 Fund donors, EVMC received continual support through the pandemic. Because of the caring power of the community, EVMC is able to work with residents to build a personalized plan to foster physical and mental health, financial independence, and social responsibility. These comprehensive services and customized strategies help each resident become productive and contributing members of society.
We value our partnership with A New Leaf. Their innovative, inclusive and forward-thinking approach helps create Mighty Change for men in our community. They assist men as they re-integrate into the community with safe and stable housing, and provide the tools to maintain self-sufficiency. We share the belief that every man, woman and child should feel safe and cared for through stable living, comprehensive services, and compassion for the challenges that each person faces.
To learn more about A New Leaf and the services they offer, visit