88 Valley Nonprofits Receive COVID-19 Relief, $3.1 Million Granted

As part of our 2020 priorities, United Way scheduled listening sessions with nonprofit thought leaders for early March. When the pandemic struck, we quickly reframed those meetings to be virtual and help guide our COVID-19 response.

Many of our nonprofit partners lost revenue due to canceled spring events and other fundraising activities. At the same time, they were experiencing increasing demands for services related to: housing, meals, access to childcare, lost wages, the health and safety of individuals experiencing homelessness, lack of technology and internet so children can continue to learn, as well as the need for basic supplies such as diapers and cleaning products.

In collaboration with our nonprofit partners, Board of Directors, and donors, United Way quickly created the United for the Valley COVID-19 Response Fund and seeded it with $200,000 to support partners’ growing list of critical needs. This fund was launched in collaboration with the Arizona Community Foundation and its statewide fund to ensure effective and efficient fundraising and grant distribution in Maricopa County.

In less than one week, businesses, individuals and foundations donated more than $1 million, and a week later, United Way began accepting grant applications. To date, nearly $3.1 million has been granted to 88 United Way nonprofit partners, serving more than 1.1 million individuals across the Valley.

“We are grateful that United Way has brought us all together to truly understand what we are facing as a community of nonprofits. This is the best way for us all to move forward, together, to fill immediate needs and eliminate the duplication of precious resources.” Mike Hughes, CEO, A New Leaf

United for the Valley COVID-19 Response Fund Recipients

1. A New Leaf, Inc.


3. Alhambra Elementary School District

4. Arizona Advocates for Ex-Offenders

5. Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence

6. Arizona Center for Disability Law

7. Arizona Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired

8. Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence

9. Arizona Housing, Inc.

10. Arizona Kids Think Too

11. Arizona Latino Leaders In Education

12. Arizona Learning Institute

13. Arizona Students Recycling Used Technology

14. Arizona YWCA Metropolitan Phoenix

15. Arouet Foundation

16. Association for Supportive Child Care

17. Aster Aging, Inc

18. Avondale Elementary School District


20. Banner Olive Branch Senior Center

21. Be a Leader Foundation

22. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona

23. Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Scottsdale

24. Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley

25. Boys Hope Girls Hope of Arizona

26. Buckeye Elementary School District

27. Cartwright Elementary School District

28. Catholic Charities Community Services, Inc.

29. Central Arizona Shelter Services

30. Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc.

31. Child Crisis Arizona

32. College Bound AZ

33. Desert Mission

34. Dysart Community Center

35. Esperanca, Inc.

36. Father Matters

37. Florence Crittenton Services of Arizona

38. Free Arts for Abused Children of Arizona

39. Friendly House

40. Friends of the Avondale Libraries

41. Future for Kids

42. Future Stars, Inc.

43. Girl Scouts – Arizona Cactus-Pine Council

44. Homeless Youth Connection Inc

45. Homeward Bound

46. Human Service Campus

47. ICAN

48. International Rescue Committee

49. Jobs for Arizona’s Graduates

50. Jumpstart

51. Laptops 4 Learning

52. Laveen School District

53. Lights Camera Discover

54. Littleton Elementary School District

55. Local First Arizona Foundation

56. Murphy Elementary School District #21

57. Native American Connections

58. Neighborhood Ministries Inc

59. New Pathways for Youth, Inc.

60. Opportunities for Youth

61. Pendergast Elementary Community Foundation

62. Phoenix Indian Center

63. Phoenix Public Library Foundation

64. Phoenix ToolBank

65. Read Better Be Better

66. Save the Family Foundation of AZ

67. School Connect

68. Sounds Academy

69. Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center

70. Southwest Human Development

71. St. Joseph the Worker

72. Stand for Children Arizona

73. Tempe Community Action Agency

74. Tempe Elementary School District

75. The Migrant Institute of Language and Computer Literacy

76. The Salvation Army

77. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul

78. Tolleson Elementary School District

79. UMOM New Day Centers, Inc.

80. Union Elementary School District

81. United Food Bank

82. Unlimited Potential

83. UPWARD for Children and Families

84. Valley of the Sun YMCA

85. Waste Not, Inc.

86. Wesley Community Center

87. Wilson School District

88. World Hunger Ecumenical Arizona Task Force dba WHEAT

COVID-19 Recovery and Rebuilding: We Need Your Continued Support

Similar to a natural disaster, we are experiencing the pandemic in phases: Response, the immediate action needed during the crisis; Recovery, the steps needed to safely help businesses reopen, help people get back to work and allow children to go back to school; and Rebuilding, the vision and tools necessary to create a new normal that utilizes what was learned during the crisis and will benefit our community moving forward.

This is an unprecedented time for us and for every community across the globe. It’s going to take every one of us, pulling together, to help those around us now, and likely long into the future. United Way’s promise is that we’ll continue seeking input to focus where we’re needed most to provide relief, support the Valley’s recovery and rebuild lives when it’s time to move beyond the pandemic.

Please continue to provide relief, and when the time comes, support local nonprofits and schools through recovery and rebuilding. Donate to the COVID-19 Relief & Rebuilding Fund at www.vsuw.org/activate.

“…During these unprecedented and challenging times, it occurred to me that I could make a real difference in people’s lives by supporting the [United for the Valley] COVID-19 Response Fund. If everyone who has a few extra dollars would contribute what they can, for those who are hungry or otherwise in need now in Arizona, the increasing devastation caused by this virus can be mitigated. If there is ever going to be a time to donate with conviction, now is that time!” David Lueth | Donor