Stand for Children is a non-profit education advocacy organization focused on ensuring all students receive a high quality, relevant education, especially those whose boundless potential is overlooked and under-tapped because of their skin color, zip code, first language, or disability.
Through these unprecedented times, Stand for Children has used this as an opportunity assist and connect with children and families in different ways while working to understand the new landscape in front of them.
With the help of the United for the Valley COVID-19 fund, Stand for Children has been able to assist families who have been affected by the pandemic by giving out twenty-five $200 Fry’s gift cards to assist families in purchasing basic needs. A mother of 4 with a 5th on the way, who was one of the recipients of the gift card, was happy to receive some help as she is a stay at home mother and her husband has had his hours reduced due to COVID-19.
“My husband lost his job because of COVID-19 and hasn’t been able to get his job back. I don’t work because I’m the main caretaker for my kids, but we are going through a really rough time because of everything that is happening. We haven’t had money for diapers and baby products and this help from fry’s will help us a lot. Thank you!”- Irene Estrada
As families struggle with reduced work hours or even unemployment, tough decisions have to be made between basic necessities such as monthly payments, medicine, food and baby supplies. Stand for Children has made many efforts, including the Fry’s gift cards, to help families like Irene’s and many more as the uncertainty of COVID-19 has created additional obstacles to overcome. The work is far from over, but through partnerships with organizations like Stand for Children, we will UNITE for the valley to prevail over these difficult times.
We align with Stand For Children’s mission, and believe all kids deserve equal access to the tools and resources they need for success. We are committed to supporting urgent and emerging needs of Valley families and individuals, and the nonprofits serving them.
Thanks to your donation we are able to support organizations making a real difference in our community.
For more information on grants distributed in the community as of 06/01/20, please visit To learn about our organization’s first seven weeks of local response (March 20-May 8, 2020) read our ‘Response Report’ available at