As found in our 2019 Impact Report:
Imagine our community where every individual has the opportunity to succeed, and the whole of Maricopa County and all our diverse neighborhoods, neighbors, and communities thrive as a result.
Caring donors, volunteers and partners throughout the Valley not only aspire to this with us, but take action to make it reality. It’s an honor to join you as the new President & CEO of Valley of the Sun United Way, and to introduce this 2019 Impact Report, which demonstrates the actions, impact and change you made possible over the past year.
Ranging from: doubling the number of local 1st and 2nd grade students benefiting from online tutoringArizona Charitable Tax DeductionBreakfast in the Classroom, community gardens and an innovative pilot program with Food City and Lyftshelter services and supportive care for those experiencing or transitioning from homelessness.
United Way’s impact, which means, YOUR impact, is demonstrated by the collective impact we make on people’s lives, and the successes of our partners working directly with those whose lives we aspire to change.
I firmly believe United Way is “owned” by the community. We exist to serve the needs of our community in partnership with community members and the leaders of its various sectors. We can only do so with the trust of the community, our partners and our supporters. This Impact Report demonstrates our accountability to each of you, and I hope it encourages further discussions about United Way’s current and future role within the Valley of the Sun.
Thank you to the many donors, volunteers, nonprofit and educational partners, community, and corporate leaders that have entrusted the Valley of the Sun United Way Board of Directors and staff as stewards of your resources and aspirations for community change. I am thrilled to be a part of this community and team to both celebrate the accomplishments of this past year, and work with you as we evolve the long-standing work of the Valley of the Sun United Way to address needs in 2020 and beyond.
My Best,
Carla Vargas Jasa