United Way Fights for Neighborhoods

The fight to break the cycle of poverty in Maricopa County can’t be done by a single organization. That’s why Valley of the Sun United Way is working with community leaders to fight for local neighborhoods across the Valley.

“Breaking the cycle of poverty

requires centering community needs and co-creating solutions with local residents. Creating opportunities where residents can take leadership and be at the center of decision making is imperative for sustainable community solutions. Research shows that the most effective way to change systems of poverty in community is by increasing civic engagement of local residents. This is at the core of United Way’s Community Empowerment strategy to challenge the cycle of poverty in Maricopa County.” – Francisco Avalos, Community Empowerment Expert

Thriving Together

At every stage of education, there are systems that may be causing students to fall behind their peers, unsure of how to take their next step. When you remove barriers to student success you see the kind of systemic change that can help tens of thousands of students toward a better path in life.

Thriving Together is breaking down barriers that get in the way of student success in partnership with Phoenix Union High School District’s 13 school partners, which has around 250,000 students.

More About Thriving Together

Community Empowerment

In Maryvale, Guadalupe, and Central City, United Way is working with local community residents to co-create long-term solutions for neighborhood needs identified by the residents.

Maryvale is home to a community resource center in which local Promotoras alongside United Way volunteers helped to create a collaborative space for Isaac Elementary School District families and local residents Community Gardener Leader classes have been hosted in Maryvale, Central City and Guadalupe for residents to learn to create, sustain and grow their own garden or assist with a community garden. We are thrilled to work alongside community members to challenge the systems of food insecurity and poverty.

More About Maryvale
