4 Phoenix Teens On the Road To Graduation
We all have dreams, but for some youth in our community, the road to realizing those dreams is especially challenging. Some teens have to work to support their family, while others don’t always have a roof over their heads or food on the table. For these students, the dream of graduating from high school—let alone going to college and having a successful career—often seems impossible.
That’s why Valley of the Sun United Way created Destination Graduation, an innovative strategy designed to identify students who are at risk of dropping out of high school and to intervene early, particularly in the middle grades when intervention has the greatest long-term impact. Destination Graduation works to remove the barriers to success that students face, whether at home or school, by collaborating with districts, schools, teachers, parents and community partners to match the right student with the right intervention at the right time.
Take a look at some of the young lives touched by the program.
India dreams of becoming a famous singer
“I want to get good enough grades to go to Julliard.”
Pablo dreams of being a youth mentor
“I plan to have a bright future.”
Zoey dreams of being a radio DJ
“Destination Graduation’s helping us want to make a better life for ourselves.”
Alexis dreams of becoming a renowned chef
“We all need that teacher who will motivate us to go to college and be somebody.”