United Way Media & Press Kit
Welcome to the Media Center, Valley of the Sun United Way’s digital platform where media content, such as press releases, logos, toolkits and other materials, are made available to the public and media representatives.
Media Contacts
If you are a member of the media and have questions, please contact:
Ryan Narramore
Vice President, Brand & Marketing
Desk: 602.631.4885
Cell: 602.499.8894
Awards and Credentials
Accredited Charity
Better Business Bureau
Platinum Seal of Transparency
Four-Star Charity (100% score)
Charity Navigator
Compliance with National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework 2.0
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Best Non-Profit Marketing Campaign
American Marketing Association, Phoenix Chapter
Arizona’s Most Admired Companies
AZ Business Magazine & Best Companies AZ
Arizona Corporate Excellence Awards
Top Nonprofit Organization (#2)
Phoenix Business Journal
Largest Phoenix-Area Nonprofit
Organizations, Service/Assistance (#7)
Phoenix Business Journal