Beat the Heat: 5 Cool Ways to Give Back

We don’t have to tell you that Arizona gets really hot in the summertime! June, July and August are mostly spent inside in the cool air conditioning. Why not use some of that time to give back to our community? Valley of the Sun United Way has several opportunities that allow you to volunteer your time from the comfort of your own couch.

1. SHOP. You read that right!

You can shop on Amazon and donate to our community causes at the same time! All you have to do is select ‘Valley of the Sun United Way’ on Amazon Smile. Amazon will donate 0.5% of each of your eligible purchases. It doesn’t cost you a penny more!

Amazon Prime Day 2022 will be held on July 12th
and 13th. Hundreds of items will be on sale. If you plan on taking part in the sale, be sure to use your Amazon Smile account.

Learn more about Amazon Smile.

2. Throw a Pizza Party and Donate Dough.

You can donate to Valley of the Sun United Way AND get a discount at the same time. Papa John’s donates 10% of your order to our Pantry Pack Program. All you have to do is order at and enter the code UNITEPHX. That code will give you 20% off your order.

Learn more about ordering.

encouragement card
Depicted: Encouragement cards.

3. Create Encouragement Cards.

Create uplifting cards for Pantry Packs. Valley of the Sun United Way creates Pantry Packs to send home with students who may not have access to food on the weekends. In addition to a variety of shelf-stable food items, Pantry Packs also include an encouragement card, a small note to inspire big change in a child’s confidence. The cards are the size of an index card. They should include positive phrases like, “Keep it Up” and “You Rock!”

Learn where to send completed Encouragement Cards.

4. Create a Book-In-A-Bag.

Our Book-In-A-Bag project brings literacy front and center! You can bring a book to life by decorating a paper bag. The bags will be filled with a book, reading tips for parents and more. You can decorate the bag with inspirational sayings, pictures and book characters!

Learn more about Book-In-A-Bag.

5. Write Notes to Local Seniors.

You can help brighten someone’s day by writing a note, drawing a picture of sending a card and let someone know you are thinking about them. Making a difference can be so simple, yet it can be incredibly impactful!

Learn where to send completed notes.

Stay cool out there!

Valley of the Sun United Way is committed to creating an equitable, inclusive community for everyone. Our Mighty Change 5-year plan ensures all residents in Maricopa County have the support they need to lead healthy, happy lives.

Read more about our goals.
