“There is so much more to United Way than people see. If they knew what the money is being allocated to, they would also see, as I did, that it’s not just donating money, it’s me helping someone.”

Every year, donors and volunteers like you are hand-raisers and game-changers. You united against the cycle from all angles to help many local kids, families, and neighborhoods. Here are a few accomplishments you made happen this year.

Learn how to prevent the “summer slide” at home and how to be involved in Valley of the Sun United Way’s Summer Learning Collaborative.

The Readiness Basket program promotes and strengthens the skills of parents as the first teachers for their children.
If you are looking for a hands-on way to join the fight to end poverty in Maricopa County, join us at any of these volunteer activities this month!

One company hired 27 students on the spot. Now that’s what we call a successful career fair.

Volunteers were able to help nearly 230 guests make 14,388+connections to services needed to get back on their feet.

Women United and Vanessa Williams invited leaders in the community to join them for the We Are United Luncheon last Friday at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel where they raised more than $378,000 to end hunger in the classroom.

At Character Playbook last week, Valley kids were able to discuss healthy relationships and life skills with mentors, talk about what they truly mean, then put them into action through drills and games.