Heat Relief Resources in Phoenix

Arizona heat affects everyone; from heat cramps, to heat exhaustion, to heat stroke, heat related illnesses are dangerous. As the temperature rises, staying safe outside will become more and more difficult. You, or someone you know, may be looking for ways to keep out of the heat or find some relief if going home is not an option. Here are a few resources available around the Phoenix Metro area.

Arizona Department of Health Services

The Arizona Department of Health Services has a heat safety section with tips to keep yourself as safe as possible while you’re in the sun and shares symptoms to watch for so you can recognize the signs of heat-related illness. Stay informed! Sign up to receive heat alerts via email.

National Weather Service

Cars can heat up quickly when left in the sun. It is NEVER safe to leave a toddler, disabled person or pet locked in a car, even in the winter. A reported 51 young children died in hot cars in 2019. Read national info about health dangers of heat and what to do in an excessive heat event.

City of Phoenix Heat Safety Tips

Find information on heat safety on the City of Phoenix website as well as a map of Cooling Stations in the Valley.

Interactive Heat Relief Station Map

Each year, Maricopa Association of Governments coordinates the mapping of the Heat Relief Network, a network of partners providing hydration stations, refuge locations, and water donation sites throughout the Valley with the goal of preventing heat-related illnesses and deaths among vulnerable populations.

Families can also text “Food” to 877-877 (or “Comida” for Spanish) to get information on what programs are closest.

Arizona Food Bank Alliance Directory

Find nearby emergency food for yourself or someone you know with this directory of emergency food options (food banks, pantries, soup kitchens, and shelters)


Searching 211arizona.org will also give you information on water and refuge stations, food programs and more. If you don’t have regular access to the internet to search for these items you can always call 2-1-1 to speak with someone who can direct you to partners who can help you.

Volunteer Indoors

During excessive heat warnings, it is important to stay inside as much as possible, but not everyone is as fortunate to have a roof over their head. You can make a difference out in the community from home with these diverse activities.

Summer Relief Kits

You can be a hands-on part of providing relief to those who need it by making summer relief kits for Valley of the Sun United Way to give out to our partner organizations! Get your family or coworkers together to build the kits and email volunteer@vsuw.org to coordinate a drop off! Click HERE for instruction on building your kit.

These Resources Can Save a Life

The high temperatures in Arizona can potentially be fatal. If you or someone you know needs access to these services, please use and share them.
