Identify and Fix Project Connect FOMO

Part of the fun of social media is being able to see all the cool things others are doing. You can live vicariously through images, videos, and posts about how amazing people’s experiences are.

But, with that enjoyment comes the thought, “Why am I still here and not enjoying that too?” This dreadful feeling is called FOMO, or Fear Of Missing Out.

If you’ve never been to a Project Connect event to volunteer, you may experience FOMO from seeing all the posts from volunteers that spend the day breaking the cycle of poverty in Maricopa County.

The Symptoms

  • While on social, you wish you had signed up so you can be a game-changer too
  • You’re watching other people’s videos and thinking of what an awesome experience it would be to help in one of the largest Valley of the sun United Way events to fight poverty
  • The “This is what awesome volunteers look like” picture is not on your profile… but it should be
  • Fear in FOMO hits you as you wonder if you’d be good enough at it to help

The Cure

  • Sign up for the next Project Connect event
  • Watch the video below to see the volunteer experience first-hand so you know what to expect

This month’s Project Connect is Thursday, May 17 at the First Southern Baptist Church in Avondale with shift options available.

Sign Up Now!
