July’s Volunteer Activities

If you are looking for a hands-on way to join the fight to end poverty in Maricopa County, join us at any of these volunteer activities this month!

Brain Chase Summer Service Challenge

Monday, July 2nd – Friday, July 27th

Keep your kids active and learning this summer by signing up to join the online challenge to find REAL buried treasure with Brain Chase! Kids will learn about community, fighting poverty, and advancing education for clues on the treasure’s location – all for an amazing grand prize!

Join the Hunt!

Isaac Back To School Family Health Fair

Saturday, July 14th
6:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. with various shifts available
Isaac Middle School (Map)

Through this community health fair, families in the Isaac School District area will have access to no-cost immunizations, haircuts, medical screenings, school supplies, and local resource information. Volunteers will be needed for assistance at the available stations, parking lot, water and food distribution, and set up and tear down.

Sign Up

Volunteer At Home


There are always ways you and your family can help our community from home. Summer is here and a new school year will be on us before you know it! Get a head start on helping teachers by building some teacher kits, help kids enjoy a good book with some words of encouragement cards by building Book-in-a-Bag packs, and give parents who will have kids starting school for the first time in the fall sight word cards to help them get school ready. Find these activities and many more by clicking the button below.

Learn More

Last, we would like to thank all of our volunteers who sign up to be game-changers and hand-raisers all year round! Here are a few moments from our annual volunteer appreciation event this month.
