Micro-grants For Maricopa County

Kindness is being spread all across the Valley with the Operation Uplift
movement. Volunteers, businesses, and communities have united to complete multiple projects in one area each month.

Have Your Own Idea For A Project?

Great ideas come from collaboration with leaders in neighborhoods, which is why Valley of the Sun United Way is introducing the Operation Uplift Micro-grant Program to maximize the impact this movement can have. The program invites any community member, public school, or 501(c)(3) organization, within Maricopa County, with a volunteer project idea to apply for a micro-grant to receive assistance with their project.

Micro-Grants Are Available In 3 Tiers

  • Tier 1 – Basic Tools
  • Tier 2 – Additional Tools and Materials
  • Tier 3 – Financial (pilot period; case-by-case consideration)

How To Apply

See the details of what each tier may cover, the Operation Uplift Micro-grant Program Guidelines, and the application at vsuw.org/operationuplift. Review the program guidelines and requirements, and submit the completed application to volunteer@vsuw.org.

Apply Now
