Entertaining your party guests doesn’t have to be expensive or difficult, with some easy party games and simple prizes, you can take your party up a notch! Try these fun, low cost party games at your 4th of July gathering or your next Party With a Purpose.
Spaghetti O’s
Raw spaghetti noodles
Rounded cereal (e.g. cheerios, Oh’s, Fruit Loops. etc.)
Small, shallow bowls (paper bowls work great)
Stop watch
How you play:
Each person gets a bowl of cereal and a spaghetti noodle. With one hand behind their back, the player will use the spaghetti noodle in their other hand to pick up as many o’s as they can in one minute. Whoever has the most o’s is the winner!
You may choose to do this tournament style with three people playing at once and winner from each round playing each other at the end.
Bean Bag Toss
Bean bags (At least 3)
Bean bag or cornhole board (You can make your own by cutting a hole in a foam poster board, large box, or plywood. Games can also be purchased at party stores)
How you play:
Set the board up at an angle with the hole portion of the board elevated off the ground so the bags can slide and fall in the hole. Give each player 3 bags. While standing at a designated line away from the board, throw the bag underhand to try and get the bag in the hole. The person to get the most bags in the hole wins!
Make the Points Count
While you’re getting ready to get your game on, make a customized Party With a Purpose page to have some friendly fundraising competition too! It’s a fun way to give back to your community while spending time with your friends and family.