Stand for Children Builds Reading Superpowers

Many kids dream of superpowers. Invisibility. Flying. Lightning speed.

One that doesn’t come up, yet opens up a world of “power” for the rest of their lives, is the ability to read proficiently.

Reading is the most crucial academic skill because it is the foundation for learning. Consider that:

  • Through third grade, children are learning to read; after third grade, 85 percent of the curriculum is taught by reading.
  • If students aren’t proficient, they fall further behind year after year.
  • One of the most important predictors of graduating high school and earning a post-secondary certificate or degree, both of which lead to higher-wage jobs, is reading proficiently by the end of third grade.

Reading proficiency is truly a superpower that opens up a universe of opportunities. However, in Arizona, only one in three students achieve that milestone.

We can all use our mighty strengths to change the trajectory for our Valley’s students. Through MC2026, a Five-Year Plan for Mighty Change in Maricopa County, we’re working alongside our partners to achieve seven bold community goals. One is to increase 3rd grade reading proficiency by 25% in five years.

No single organization or school can accomplish this alone. So, we’re bringing together a group of partners with a laser focus on early reading. Stand for Children, an advocate for students no matter their zip code, is part of that collaboration.

Reading skills go beyond the student and classroom. They also must be honed at home. That’s why Stand for Children, with the support of Valley of the Sun United Way and our donors, engages parents in their child’s learning. They train parents to build reading skills at home and provide guidance on how parents can advocate for their child with teachers and school administrators.

Active, engaged parents are a key to student success.
