​Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Having the desire to go out and make a difference is a good first step to bettering your community. Putting action to that desire is what really makes an impact. Making a change is something that is not easily accomplished alone, that’s why Valley of the Sun United Way needs you! This is how you can begin to make change happen:

Immediate Impact at Project Connect

Project Connect is an event where people experiencing homelessness or near homelessness can come to get vital resources to help them get back on their feet again. Some of these resources include birth certificates, showers, clothing, childcare assistance, housing information and more. You and a group of friends can sign up to volunteer as a guest guide, giving individuals and families a one-on-one experience while you help find the proper resources. The next event is happening on Thursday June 15 at North Hills Church of God in Phoenix. Learn more about Project Connect here or sign up to volunteer on June 15 here.

Ongoing Impact Through Generation United

For multiple opportunities to impact your community and make new friends along the way, join Generation United. This group gets together throughout the year to do fun volunteer activities to benefit the Valley. A couple of the events they have had so far this year include the Win UNITED Scavenger Hunt and Books ‘n Barley at Blasted Barley Beer Company, just to name a few.

To follow their fun and get informed, check out their NEW Facebook page where they post events, pictures, updates and more so you don’t have to worry about missing out!

Committed Impact With Our Ambassadors

Our new Spring 2017 Ambassadors have just been announced! These are your friendly faces and helpful Gen U hands that plan events like happy hours, karaoke parties, movie nights and other activities to help you mingle and give back.

Although we have our spring 2017 class, you could be in the next class of ambassadors! New ambassador applications will be open in August. Get more information here.

Action Required: Join Us Today!

Without the impact you, our volunteers, our donors, our partners, and our new ambassadors are making on our work, we wouldn’t be able to accomplish what we are doing together. Not a part of our activities yet? Join us and Unite Against the Cycle today!

