It was an amazing site! Thousands of ASU students lined up at ASU’s Memorial Union on the Tempe Campus, raring to volunteer to help those less fortunate in the valley. Many students say they were helped growing up by organizations such as United Way. So they showed up to make a commitment throughout the school year to help others – to give back!

When we wake up in the morning, making breakfast for our kids is part of the morning routine for many of us. But not all kids are so fortunate. Sadly, thousands of kids in the Valley go to school every day hungry.

My five-year old son Ezequiel has always loved learning, but because I am not fluent in English I worried I wouldn’t be an effective teacher. I know this is a concern for many other parents, too. When I discovered United Way’s Literacy Fairs and all the resources provided there, my perspective changed.

Creating a home reading plan for your child is simple to do and can be fun for both you and your child.
Working Families Thank You! Arizona taxpayers can now double their contribution to the Charitable Tax Credit doubling lifting more hardworking individuals and families out of poverty.
Arizona State University got busy FUNdraising at Sun Devils UNITE events April 3-9. The change-making students pulled off an action-packed week yielding $102,000 in donations.

Wanna make a difference in the community on your own terms but don’t know how to match your interests and skills with the needs in our community? Retire United was designed with you in mind.

The WLC Steering Committee met in January to set a new and exciting course for our future. The packed agenda included creative and strategic brainstorms, resulting in an update to both our “mission” and “focus” statements.
Get to know a young professional leader in your community!

For Donovan, 47, a man used to making his own way in the world, the apartment provides basic needs: shelter, a mattress to sleep on, a small kitchen, bathroom and a welcome sense of safety. Not that Donovan has much idle time to rest these days. He travels 2-3 hours by bus each way to his job at an e-commerce fulfillment center where he works nights and happily takes on extra shifts when needed. His goal is to fully reclaim the self-sufficient life he once knew.