
Our success is driven by passionate community champions like you! Thank you for your commitment to advancing the common good in our community as an ECM.

Getting your campaign started is easy using the materials available on this page. Use this handy ECM Roadmap to get started.

Campaign FAQs

What is Valley of the Sun United Way’s overhead costs?
As stewards of donor contributions, Valley of the Sun United Way operates with exceptional efficiency and effectiveness. We dedicate over 90 cents of every dollar to improving lives in the community, with less than 10 percent spent on administrative costs like fundraising, marketing, accounting and organizational management.

Why should I give directly to Valley of the Sun United Way instead of designating my donation to another non-profit organization?
Donating to Valley of the Sun United Way ensures your gift will have the greatest local impact. To drive collective change, the organization brings together partners from every sector–public, business, non-profit and faith-based–to tackle community challenges. Together, we work to remove barriers and ensure everyone has access to essentials like food and health care. We also focus on closing opportunity gaps, so children read at grade level by 3rd grade and youth are prepared for academic and career success. Additionally, we strive to help all community members secure safe housing and access better-paying jobs.

Last year, I contributed directly to the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit and qualified for a tax credit. Is that option still available? What are the benefits of choosing this option?
Donations to Valley of the Sun United Way’s Arizona Charitable Tax Credit program qualify for the Arizona state “Credit for Contributions to Qualifying Charitable Organizations.” Valley of the Sun United Way serves as an umbrella organization for this tax credit program. Gifts made to the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit Fund can be claimed for this credit and reported using code 20726.

Your contribution to the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit is leveraged to address multiple causes of poverty in the Valley. By directing a portion of your Valley of the Sun United Way donation to the charitable tax credit, you can increase self-sufficiency for people in need and receive a dollar-for-dollar state tax credit this year. You can donate up to $470 as an individual or up to $938 for joint filers, without needing to itemize deductions.

To receive an acknowledgment letter for your tax records, provide your name, home address and phone number on your pledge card or online at www.vsuw.org/taxcredit.

For more details on Valley of the Sun United Way’s Arizona Charitable Tax Credit and the state’s “Credit for Contributions to Qualifying Charitable Organizations,” call (602) 631-4800. Please note that Valley of the Sun United Way does not provide tax advice; it is recommended to consult a qualified tax professional about your specific situation.

Get Engaged


Volunteer through your company or from home to make a tangible difference and drive meaningful change.

Join a Group

Consider joining a group of like-minded individuals, such as Women United or the Tocqueville Society, to connect with others who share your values and interests.

Loaned Executive Program

This program could be an excellent fit if you aim to enhance your public speaking, sales, and customer service skills while also improving lives.

Business Partnership

United Way offers our business partners a valuable opportunity to fulfill their social responsibility goals, engage employees, meet customer expectations, and create positive change.

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