Supporting Mental Health in Maricopa County

The word “health” often brings exercise, proper diet, drinking plenty of water, and other physical aspects to mind. But not all health can be seen on the outside. While these activities help with keeping your mental health up as well, for some there’s a lot more to it.

Many times, people experiencing homelessness are also experiencing mental illness, making it extra difficult to get back on their feet. At Valley of the Sun United Way we are proud to partner with programs like Community Bridges from Arizona Housing, Inc. (AHI), not just during mental health awareness month in May but year round, to provide a solution.

AHI is a permanent supportive housing partner that uses what is called a housing first model. This means helping people gain access to basic needs like shelter and food to allow for a better focus on supportive services like mental illness assistance. More than 80% of residents at AHI are managing a mental illness.

They offer a safe place for people to stay and access to the proper resources so individuals can begin receiving the care they need. Mary and Theresa (pictured in this post) have seen a change in their lives thanks to the support that helps make Community Bridges possible. We look forward to sharing their stories with you this fall!

You can make a difference this mental health awareness month with a gift to United Way, supporting these programs and others dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty in Maricopa County.

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