The 2018 LE Experience

You may have seen our blog in September welcoming Loaned Executives (LEs) from various companies in the area to Valley of the Sun United Way. As these LEs make their way back to APS and QuikTrip, we want to thank them for all their achievements.

United, the 2018 LEs managed 162 presentations and 151 activities/fairs in our community to share what it means to break the cycle of poverty with United Way. See a little bit of what the LEs had to say about their experience!

Mackenzie Fitz-Gerald, APS

“I am very thankful to APS for recognizing the impact of VSUW and promoting the Loaned Executive opportunity. I am returning back to my job with a greater understanding of the community in which I live and serve, as well as have developed my leadership and management skills. One of the biggest things I took away from my experience is understanding the vast involvement of Valley of the Sun United Way. United Way understands the big picture, working with people and organizations across the board to address the systemic problems. They are asking the right questions, bringing together the right partners and enacting change.”

Chris Wood, QuikTrip

“One of the biggest take a ways that I have learned from this experience is just how involved in the community Valley of the Sun United Way is and how important this program is to that. There is so much to what we do and everyone else does here that you can’t put it into words. I would have to say that I would do it all over again if I was given the chance. You learn so much about yourself as well the people around you. It is incredible to think about how much one person can make such a big difference and you can see that with the work that we do here. I will never forget what VSUW does for the people in the community, but also I will never forget what they did for me. This place will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you.”

Justin Thomas, APS

“My experience as a Loaned Executive for 2018 can be summed up in one word, IMPACT! The impact that the VSUW has in the local community and the impact that the program had on me is absolutely amazing. It allows you to see the integral part The United Way plays in bringing together Corporate Partners, Volunteers, Donors, Non-Profits and the Community. The teamwork and collaboration with all of these groups to help an area thrive is truly inspiring. I would suggest to anyone that might have the opportunity to be a Loaned Executive to jump at the chance ASAP. It will provide so many professional development opportunities from presentation skills to project management, but for me, the personal growth will be unforgettable!”

Ian Allison, APS

“My biggest takeaway was coming to the realization that you need to treat everyone with the same importance. Whether it’s a frontline employee or the owner of the company, they both have the capacity to enact change in their community and your message should not be different. The message is universal, be the change you want to see in your community and join the fight.”

We can’t thank each of you enough for all of your dedication to breaking the cycle of poverty and your hard work.

If you are interested in having your employees become loaned executives, contact us today.

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