Have Fun While Filing Your Taxes

Authored by a VITA Program Coordinator from UW Southwest Alabama.

Turn Passion Into Action

What difference can a person make in a couple of hours? How about a day, a year…or five years? Generation United member Farzana Scofield, shares how Generation United helped her make a real difference in our community.

What Is Project Connect?
Read Across America…With Your Pets!

Read Across America is an annual event created by the NEA that coincides with Seuss’s birthday, March 2. The program provides children the resources and motivation to keep on reading every day throughout the year.

Launch Students into Success-osphere & Beyond

Babies born today could graduate in the class of 2034. When should education begin to prepare these children to meet the 21st Century challenges that await them? The answer is now. Readiness to enter school, and reach each learning milestone thereafter, starts at birth.

“Hechale Ganas Mijo” (Work Hard Son)

I am a testimony to the difference a caring mentor can make.
I grew up in an amazing family who worked hard to ensure school was a priority. They were my first mentors.
My parents taught us that hard work and focus would provide a pathway to greater success. I remember the consejos from Ama y Apa. One I heard almost every day was, “Hechale Ganas Mijo.”

A Veteran’s Never Off Duty

We met Robert Wiggins at Arizona StandDown in 2015 where he recruited about 60 of his Charles Schwab colleagues to volunteer as guest guides to serve homeless veterans in the Valley. He was giddy and proud then for the opportunity to participate in the event. This year, he doubled the number, bringing 120 volunteers. The mission for Robert is a personal one.

Serving Valley Veterans Brings Joy & Pride

Serving Valley Veterans Brings Joy & Pride. More than 2,000 volunteers are needed to help serve our military veterans at this week’s Arizona StandDown. Among those answering the call are employees from area businesses including Desert Schools Federal Credit Union, Bank of America and USAA.

File Early for Earned Income Tax Savings

It’s time to figure out taxes. Work, family, life…we are all busy, but the sooner you file, the sooner you get back what you deserve. Could you qualify for up to $6,200 through the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)?

3 Ways We Serve Valley Veterans

While those in the military are taught to “StandDown” as a means to withdraw or disengage in force or combat, we at Valley of the Sun United Way are proud to stand up for Arizona veterans. Take a look at how we serve the brave men and women who serve our country every day.
