Heat Relief Resources in Phoenix

As the temperature rises, staying safe outside will become more and more difficult. Here are a few resources available around the Phoenix Metro area.

United in Good News: New Pathways for Youth

With the help from the United for the Valley COVID-19 fund, NPFY is closing the gap and increasing their services to meet the safety and wellbeing of the most vulnerable youth in our community.

United in Good News: YMCA

Through help from emergency funding from the United for the Valley COVID-19 grant, The Valley of the Sun YMCA has been able to allocate resources to critical needs areas ranging from child care and food programs, to virtual senior outreach.

Thank You, Interns!

Arizona’s spring 2020 graduates worked hard to get here, and we acknowledge that! In honor of Graduate Recognition Day, we want to say how proud we are of our intern’s accomplishments!

United in Good News: Save the Family

Save the family continues to fight for families during these uncertain times and with the help of the United for the Valley COVID-19 fund, they have been able to work directly with individuals to help families find jobs and housing.

United in Good News: ICAN

During this unforeseen time, ICAN made the difficult decision to temporarily suspend all in-person programs. Through the help of the United for the Valley COVID-19 Fund, ICAN was able to adapt to the growing needs in our community, and continued to make weekly at home Kraft Kits for children.

May Volunteer Activities

Are you looking for opportunities to give back to your community this #GivingTuesday? Sign up to participate in these unique volunteer opportunities!

From the Board Chair: When Life Changes Unexpectedly…Make Lemonade

The coronavirus pandemic changed our lives unexpectedly. We were suddenly a family of four working together, learning together, spending every moment together…

Instagram Donation Stickers for Valley of the Sun United Way

Make a call for people to break the cycle of poverty in a new way with Instagram’s Donation Sticker. With this sticker, you can talk about why you think it’s important to unite and why you choose Valley of the Sun United Way.

COVID-19 Phoenix Valley Resources

COVID-19 is affecting many Valley families and individuals. If you need assistance or resources, this is a list of resources available around the Phoenix Metro Area.
