10 Tips for Summer Travel on a Budget

Looking for a cheap way to escape the heat? Whether you’re planning to travel North to cooler climates, out-of-state, or abroad, these thrifty tips will help you manage your budget.

​How Will You Make Your Mark?

We need your help. Take our survey and help shape the future of United Way.

​Play Up Your Party With a Purpose

Entertaining your party guests doesn’t have to be expensive or difficult, with some simple party games and easy prizes, you can take your party up a notch! Try these easy, low cost party games at your 4th of July gathering or your next party.

​One Community Thriving Together

Supporting students to achieve a strong education from birth to career is part of building up our community to provide a brighter future. Often, the answers lie within the community and can be reached through the collective wisdom of its members. This motivation inspired Valley of the Sun United Way to create Thriving Together, a collective impact partnership that aims to identify sustainable solutions and best practices that increase student success all the way through their education journey.

​What Arizona Needs to Know About Healthcare Now

With the release of the American Health Care Act (AHCA), the future of healthcare in Arizona may be changing. Changes to the current healthcare law could affect the gains, affordability, accessibility, and adequate care the ACA has now.

​Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Having the desire to go out and make a difference is a good first step to bettering your community. Putting action to that desire is what really makes an impact. Making a change is something that is not easily accomplished alone, that’s why Valley of the Sun United Way needs you!

United Way Offers Seven Ways to Avoid the ‘Summer Slide’
School may be letting out, but the process of educating children shouldn’t come to an end for Valley parents.
Spend Your Summer Sharing Smiles on Social

Summer gives families more time with each other, how will you choose to spend it? This summer we ask you to share your smiles by volunteering at home and sharing your volunteer experience on social media.

These Resources Can Save Your Life

Arizona heat affects everyone; from heat cramps, to heat exhaustion, to heat stroke, heat related illnesses are dangerous. As the temperature rises staying safe outside will become more and more difficult. You, or someone you know, may be looking for ways to keep out of the heat or find some relief if going home is not an option.

​Keep Minds Learning – Avoid the Burn of a Lazy Summer!

Imagine spending nine months learning how to do something then going three months without performing this task at all. Coming back to it would definitely take some readjustment so you could get used to it again, right? For some children in school, when summer break comes around they fall behind in skills they learned at school, but there are ways to help make summer activities enjoyable AND educational!
