Before the pandemic, the flow of goods coming and going was ongoing and easily manageable, but nothing could have prepared us for the vast amount of donations requested and received in response to COVID-19 and the impact on our community.

Did you know that there are actually three separate tax benefits that you may qualify for? We have made it simple by detailing these tax benefits.

We can’t stress enough how important your gifts are to United Way and to families in our community and we would like to tell you a bit more about how we’re putting your investments into action in our community.

What do you see when you look at this Norman Rockwell painting? We see the solution to ending hunger in the Valley.

This year, Valley of the Sun United Way will continue to provide relief for our Maricopa County neighbors, respond to emerging needs, address racial, social, economic and educational inequities, and help our community rebuild.

As many families struggle with emerging-needs such as food, shelter and financial stability, United Way and our many nonprofit and school partners rely more than ever on tax credit contributions, which also gives donors a break on state income tax liability.

The Valley of the Sun United Way Making Choices Simulation bridges the gap from misconception and assumptions, to understanding that at any given moment one of us could be susceptible to experiencing poverty in our lifetime.

Through the Vello program, Valley of the Sun United Way was prepared to ensure children in our community would not be left behind when schools closed and families retreated to their homes to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Over the last 5 years we’ve come together with over 60 local organizations to address the unique needs of children and youth living in Phoenix’s urban core.