Suicide is the 12th leading cause of death in the United States. It is the second cause of death for younger Americans. A single call can saves someone’s life.
Since August, your donations - nearly half a million bottles of water - have been distributed to nearly 20 nonprofit partners who are creating Mighty Change.
We’re proud to announce that we’ve awarded 81 nonprofits and schools grants totaling more than $7.8 million to fund programs and services that align with the strategies of MC2026.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and there’s no better time to spotlight the topic, its challenges and the resources available to our community members.
The Mighty Change 2026 (MC2026) plan will guide us over the next five years will give more hope, and prioritize increased access to needed services in Maricopa County. Woven into each of the plan’s strategies is a focus on diversity, equity, access and inclusion.