Tempe has the second highest rate of homelessness in Arizona and the programs provided by Tempe Community Action Agency (TCAA) are vital to the community’s safety net.
We’re proud to announce that we’ve awarded 81 nonprofits and schools grants totaling more than $7.8 million to fund programs and services that align with the strategies of MC2026.
We’ve been proud to fund Catholic Charities’ MANA House which serves unhoused vets by providing shelter, case management, and wrap around services. Read Sherry's story...
The Mighty Change 2026 (MC2026) plan will guide us over the next five years will give more hope, and prioritize increased access to needed services in Maricopa County. Woven into each of the plan’s strategies is a focus on diversity, equity, access and inclusion.
CASS remains committed to ending homelessness by providing shelter, case management, housing services, and collaborative wraparound services to those most in need.